
A Goodbye

It is night and I am at the bedside of my younger brother who is struggling with the final stages of Creutz Feldt Jakob disease (Mad Cow’s Disease).

He looks at me with deep red eyes and asks silently ‘Please help me?’

In a loud whisper,I lean closer to him. I know he can hear me as the auditory sense is still working.

I say “Your body will die. Your personality is ending. But love doesn’t die.We stay connected as love.”

He died three days later.

A week passed and a close friend of mine came by to visit. She worked as a healer and psychic.

As she was leaving she turned to me and asked “I have a message from your brother James. Would you like it?

“Yes”, I replied.

“He asked me to tell you “Thank You.”

Tears streamed down my face as I walked back indoors,thinking “Thank you,too."
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